Frequently Asked Questions:
How far can mosquitoes fly?
- Most types of mosquitoes only fly 1 to 3 miles from where they were born.
- Some can travel 20 to 40 miles if they need to find food.
- The record holders are saltmarsh mosquitoes, which can go up to 100 miles!
- Wind can help them fly even farther.
How much blood do mosquitoes drink?
- A mosquito drinks a very tiny amount of blood, anywhere from 0.001 to 0.01 milliliter.
Why do mosquitoes need blood?
- Only female mosquitoes bite, and they need blood to lay their eggs.
- Male and female mosquitoes eat plant nectar for energy.
Are mosquitoes good for anything?
- Mosquitoes have been around for millions of years and are food for other animals.
- There are over 2,700 different kinds of mosquitoes!
How long do mosquitoes live?
- Most female mosquitoes live for a few weeks.
- Some can live for months if they stay warm inside during the winter.
Can mosquitoes give you AIDS?
- No, mosquitoes cannot spread AIDS.
- They digest the virus that causes AIDS, so they can't pass it on.
Which mosquitoes carry West Nile Virus?
- Many types of mosquitoes can carry West Nile Virus.
- Some mosquitoes spread the virus among birds, and then other mosquitoes can bite those birds and spread it to people.
Why do mosquitoes bite me?
- Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we breathe out.
- They also like body odor, heat, and movement.
- Some people attract mosquitoes more than others, but it's not because of things like garlic or vitamin B12.
- Perfumes and drinking alcohol can make you more attractive to mosquitoes.
What's the best way to keep them away?
- DEET is the most effective mosquito repellent.
- There are also other good repellents like picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus.
- You can also wear light-colored clothing, use fans, and avoid being outside at dawn and dusk.
How do mosquitoes get in my house?
- Mosquitoes can get in through any opening, like broken screens or open windows.
- They like to hang out in garages, so be careful not to let them in from there.
What about backyard ponds and pools?
- Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
- If you have a pond, fountain, or pool, make sure the water is circulating or treated to prevent mosquitoes.
Do bug zappers work?
- Bug zappers kill some mosquitoes, but they mostly kill other insects that are not harmful.
What about other traps?
- There are many different mosquito traps, but they don't always work perfectly.
- You should still use repellent and get rid of standing water to prevent mosquitoes.
Can you spray for mosquitoes in my neighborhood?
- Yes. A field technician will inspect the area, identify the source of the mosquitoes, and can "fog" the area in the evening if the inspection warrants a treatment. Be sure to fill out a Service Request.
- Field technicians try to prevent mosquitoes from becoming adults by finding them when they are in their larval stages in the water. Mosquito control is much more effective using this method.
Are mosquito sprays safe?
- The EPA and other government agencies regulate mosquito sprays to make sure they are safe for people and the environment when used correctly.
What if I don't want my house sprayed?
- You can ask UMAD not to spray your property. Fill out the form here.
Do mosquito sprays harm other animals?
- Mosquito sprays are designed to mostly affect mosquitoes.
- They don't leave much residue, so they don't usually harm other animals.